“I Can Easily Imagine the Olympic and Paralympic Games Being Held in Our Sports Metropolis”
- Public dialog forum to discuss a prospective German Olympic bid
- Sunday, 12 November 2023, from 10:30 AM, at the Futurium in Berlin
- Open to all citizens at any time, no prior registration required.
- Welcome address by Governing Mayor Kai Wegner
- Discussion round with Senator of the Interior and Sports, Iris Spranger, LSB President Thomas Härtel, Berlin MP Klara Schedlich, Olympic Canoeing Champion Ronald Rauhe, and Para-Swimmer Verena Schott
Frankfurt, 6 November 2023 – In July 2023, the DOSB launched the “YOUR IDEAS. YOUR GAMES.” dialog initiative to find out: Why should, or shouldn’t, the Olympic and Paralympic Games be hosted in Germany? Under what conditions would a German Olympic bid be possible?
The umbrella organization of German sports has created various dialog formats aimed at engaging with members of society. In addition to the ongoing digital dialog, which features nine specialist talks, public dialog forums are also part of the process. Following the DOSB’s previous stops in Leipzig, Hamburg, and Munich, the dialog forum is set to take place in Berlin on Sunday, 12 November, starting at 10:30 AM.
Berlin Boasts Extensive Experience in the Organization of Sports Events
The dialog forum gives Berlin citizens a voice when it comes to the process – at an early stage. This year’s Special Olympics World Games, among others, have already showcased the city’s ability to successfully host major sports events. Torsten Burmester, Chairman of the Board, DOSB: “Engaging in dialog with the inhabitants of Berlin, prior to deciding whether to submit a new bid or not, will allow us to listen to the concerns, as well as ideas, that people have about hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Germany, and to take them into serious consideration at an early stage. We would like to demonstrate the added value that sports events can offer both Berlin and Germany. We are also determined to clearly communicate that the framework conditions for a prospective new bid have significantly changed since the last failed attempts.”
Dialog with the People of Berlin
On Sunday, 12 November 2023, the doors of the Futurium, located at Alexanderufer 2, will be open to all Berliners, starting at 10:30 AM. Interested citizens will then have the opportunity to gather information, exchange ideas, and participate in moderated discussion panels at various booths, where they will be able to voice their ideas, criticisms, and reservations concerning a potential German Olympic bid.
Governing Mayor Kai Wegner will officially welcome the attendees at 01:00 PM: “Time and time again, Berlin has proven that the city can pull off major international sports events with flying colors. This year’s Special Olympics World Games were a great success and have whetted our appetite for more. Our passion and commitment will carry over into next year, when the UEFA EURO 2024 is scheduled to take place, and our inclusive and sustainable concepts will benefit all residents of Berlin. Berlin is ready to take on the challenge of hosting the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2036 or 2040,” says the CDU politician.
The program will be followed by a panel discussion featuring representatives from the political and sports realms in Berlin. Guests will include:
- Iris Spranger, Senator of the Interior and Sports
- Thomas Härtel, President of the Berlin State Sports Association
- Ronald Rauhe, two-time Olympic Canoeing Champion
- Verena Schott, Para-swimmer
- Klara Schedlich, Spokesperson for Sports Policy, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Berlin
“I am looking forward to engaging in critical dialog with Berlin’s sports enthusiasts, and I can easily imagine the Olympic and Paralympic Games being held in our sports metropolis. They would be great opportunities for our city provided they involve the public, are economically viable, and, above all, are sustainable. The Olympic and Paralympic Games must be of benefit to our numerous sports clubs,” says Iris Spranger, Senator of the Interior and Sports. Thomas Härtel, President of the Berlin State Sports Association, adds: “We want to make sports and exercise even more natural and visible parts of everyday life, maximize the unifying power of sports and their values, and reach even more people. Hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games gives sports a very high profile, which is important for the development of sports. Therefore, we are striving to engage in dialog with civil society in order to find out what ideas and visions the people of Berlin and Brandenburg have – in the spirit of sports for everyone.”
Before the panel discussion begins, the DOSB will give two presentations on the progress of the dialog initiative to date and will provide information on the next steps up to the possible inclusion of Berlin in a new bid concept. After the end of the official program, at around 03:00 PM, citizens will be able to take another moderated tour through the five core issues of sports, sustainability, society, the economy, as well as the past and future, or they can choose to speak directly with representatives of the DOSB, including Vice President Oliver Stegemann. The event will end at 05:00 PM, following a brief summary of the results at 04:45 PM.
Dialog Results to Form the Basis of a Bid
The fifth and final dialog forum will take place in Düsseldorf one day later, on Monday, 13 November, starting at 05:00 PM, at the Merkur Spiel-Arena. The results of the various dialog formats will be bundled in the Frankfurt Declaration and will serve as the societal guidelines for a prospective Olympic bid. The Frankfurt Declaration will be presented at the DOSB General Assembly on 2 December 2023.
Additional information on the dialog forum in Berlin can be found here.