Prospective Olympic Bid: Second Expert Talk Sheds Light on the Benefits of Competitive Sports
At 7:00 PM on Tuesday, 15 August, the German Olympic Sports Federation (DOSB) is scheduled to continue its series of expert talks with “YOUR JOURNEY. YOUR DREAMS. YOUR GAMES.” – a discussion on the issue of competitive sports.
Frankfurt, 14 August 2023 – The Olympic and Paralympic Games are the biggest and most prestigious sporting events in the world. They represent the pinnacle of a sporting career for many athletes. Participation in the Games requires a great deal of hard work and preparation. The challenges and future of German competitive sports will be the central themes of the in-depth discussion.
Are the Olympic and Paralympic Games still the ultimate goals to be reached in competitive sports? How does playing games on one’s “home turf” positively contribute to competitive sports? What training opportunities are available to athletes? How well are young, promising athletes doing in German elite sports?
All of these questions, as well as others, will be discussed with the guests participating in our second panel. Five experts from the world of German sports will share their experiences and take a look at German sports from different perspectives:
- Josef Buchner, Sports Director Ski Jumping / Nordic Combined, is convinced: “Major national and international events that are held in Germany, such as the World Championships and the Four Hills Tournament, are essential building blocks for a sustainable and successful competitive structure.”
- Emma Malewksi, Competitive Gymnast and European balance beam champion in 2022, shares her experience as an athlete: “The world of competitive sports is full of ups and downs. I share the downs with my community, as well, because that level of transparency is very important to me.”
- Marion Peters, Para Athletics National Coach, will shed some light from a coach’s point of view: “Competitive sports revolve around a perpetual learning process that is designed to help you get to that one moment you’ve spent years training for. Experiencing that single moment is unbelievably rewarding. It is a moment of victory over one’s own limits, doubts, and fears.’
- Ronald Rauhe, two-time Olympic Canoeing Champion, draws attention to the contributions sports make to society: “Competitive sports impart values that are desperately needed in our societies: health, discipline, and determination. Competitive athletes have the power to be role models for entire generations.”
- Miriam Welte, Vice President of the DOSB, says: “Hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Germany can trigger a wave of enthusiasm for sports, thereby laying the foundation for the sustainable development of both competitive and mainstream sports.”
Sports journalist Anke Feller will be tasked with bringing all of the different expert viewpoints and opinions together and will lead a lively discussion on the future of sports in Germany and the significance of hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games in one’s own country.