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The most important statements:


Burkhard Jung, Lord Mayor of the City of Leipzig:

“Sport is firmly anchored in Leipzig in many different facets, from competitive sport to popular sport to sports science. It therefore makes sense for the city of Leipzig to be involved in this process. I am pleased that the people of Leipzig will be involved in the process of an all-German Olympic bid right from the start, but I am also looking forward to the further conception and discussion surrounding an all-German Olympic bid. I am convinced that in the end there will be an internationally competitive and sustainable concept for Germany.”


Kerstin Holze, Vice President of the DOSB:

“We at DOSB believe in the idea of the Games and that we can make society fit through the Olympics.”


Jens Lehmann, Member of the German Bundestag:

“We don’t lack the courage for the Olympics. We just need to reawaken the enthusiasm in the population. In Leipzig, we already have the enthusiasm.”


Martin Schulz, Leipzig para-triathlete and reigning world champion:

“London 2012 showed what a pull the Games have for sport at the top and across the board. That’s why we have to apply. We need the tailwind of a German bid.”



You couldn’t be at the Dialogue Forum in Leipzig? How can the Games become your Games? Discuss with us on our social media channels or drop us a line.