Dein Berlin. Deine Stadt. Dein DIalog. DIalogforum des DOSB zu einer möglichen Olympiabewerbung in Berlin.




The most important statements:


Kai Wegner, Governing Mayor of Berlin:

“We strongly support the idea of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Germany and think the plan for a national bid is fantastic. A bid for the 2036 Games is an outstanding opportunity to present a new image of Germany to the global public.”


Iris Spranger, Senator for the Interior and Sport:

“Everything we make fit for the Olympics must benefit Berliners after the Games. We are one of the world’s best sports cities. We want to develop this further.”


Thomas Härtel, President of the Landessportbund Berlin:

“The Landessportbund is clearly in favor of a bid. If we apply, this means developing a sports development strategy that ensures that the citizens of Berlin will benefit in the long term.”


Klara Schedlich, Member of the Berlin House of Representatives, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen:

“We have to ensure that it is a climate-friendly approach and that everyone benefits from it. It’s a huge challenge and a very long way to go. Perhaps it is also utopian to get it up and running in such a short space of time.”


Ronald Rauhe, Olympic canoeing champion:

“The Olympic Games are more than just competitions. It is about conveying the Olympic values that move and shape entire generations.”


Verena Schott, Para swimmer:

“The games should also be used above all to reduce the gap between people with and without disabilities.”



You couldn’t be at the Dialogue Forum in Berlin? How can the Games become your Games? Discuss with us on our social media channels or drop us a line.